Arts plastiques & marché de l'art

"There is indeed a path that allows the return of the imagination to reality, and that is art"

Sigmund Freud

Our services

Our firm supports you in the analysis of a situation, the structuring of your activity, the drafting of acts between professionals of the art market and more generally in all useful steps, amicable or not, related to preservation, defense and promotion of copyright and works of art in France and around the world.

Our activities cover in particular:

  • ​Preliminary drafting of artists' contracts for works backed by an NFT and downstream of the GCS integrating distance selling and the new obligations of marketplaces;

  • Social, tax and legal status of various authors and artists: ex: photographer, sculptor, painter, performer, scenographer, tagger, collective of visual artists;

  • Public and private support for creation, sponsorship;

Rights and acts of exploitation:

  • Order contract and/or transfer of rights for edition and/or limited series;

  • Contract for exhibition or deposit in gallery or institution;

  • Industrial operating license agreement;

  • Contract for the sale of a work of art by an OVV;

  • Mission and contract for the constitution of a collection;

  • Advice on resale right in conjunction with CMOs;

Succession and post-mortem management of works of art:

  • Succession, Inheritance joint ownership agreement;


  • Support in the drafting of wills, donations and legacies;


  • Advice and audit of Blockchain solutions offered by Start-ups in this field;

  • Creation, organization and rules of operation of an artist's committee in associative form or not;


  • Follow-up of expertise of valuation of the estate mass;

  • Initiation and or follow-up of litigation in inheritance rights.